living in the ‘Land of Smiles’

Chiang Mai, Thailand

Pattaya – ‘Cheap Charlie Brit’ Resident suffers broken arm over 40 baht parking fee

Via: Pattaya One


In the early hours of Sunday, a 70 year old British resident of Pattaya suffered a suspected broken arm following an altercation with a car park attendant who was unable to collect a 40 Baht parking fee from him.

The incident occurred at a car park opposite the Diana Dragon Apartments in Soi Buakhao just before 2.30am, which was under the control of Khun Tosapon aged 19. Mr. Charlie Hayward reportedly parked his Bronze Chevrolet car in the car park and left for a short moment to purchase something and then returned to his car.

Khun Tosapon claims he approached Mr. Hayward and requested the 40 Baht which was not forthcoming. He further explained that Mr. Hayward attempted to drive away which enraged the parking attendant who picked up a piece of wood and struck Mr. Hayward’s car.

Mr. Hayward stopped his vehicle and confronted the attendant who then struck the elderly man across his arm. Police arrived and arrested the teenager who was later charged with assault. Mr. Hayward was sent to Hospital and is currently recovering from his injuries. Knt-suffers-broken-arm-over-40-baht-parking-fee-in-central-pattaya/#sthash.IKRqIq6p.dpuf


Personal thought:

Khun Tosapon was in the wrong to hit Charlie and/or his car.

But it was also wrong to rip-off the kid for 40-baht ($1.23USD).





October 7, 2014 Posted by | Uncategorized | , , , , | Leave a comment